My Take On the Whole Lemon Water Trend


If you haven’t seen at least one article about the amazing results you’ll get from starting your day with warm lemon water in your Facebook news feed, you may be living under a rock. The citrusy wonder drink is the biggest thing to have hit the wellness community since quinoa.

Most articles will tell you that drinking warm lemon water will:

Yada, yada, yada…

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Sore Throat Crushing Limeade

My throat started feeling a bit sore yesterday afternoon and it’s been bothering me all day today as well. I have a week long camping trip that starts next weekend, so whatever it is, I want it gone! I’m pulling out the big guns to try to stop it before it turns in to a full blown cold. This is it. If this doesn’t help, I’m not sure what will. I will warn you, it’ll put hair on your chest.

2 oz lime juice (Vitamin C!)

2 tblsp local raw honey (Strengthens Immune system and soothes sore throats)

2 pinches of cayenne pepper (Anti-bacterial, soothes soar throat, detox support)

1/2 tsp powdered ginger (Soothes sore throat, helps in absorption of essential nutrients)

8 oz water (Um, it’s water. We need it to live. Also, it keeps us hydrated and our throats lubricated)


It’s not pretty, but it gets the job done.